Friday, September 26, 2008

10 Tips To Start Your Online Business

People often ask us what is the secret formula to establishing a successful online presence. The truth is, there is no easy answer and definitely no "single secret formula" but rather a combination of factors that determine an online store's continued success.

Times are evolving and major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista and many others will keep on changing their search algorithms just when you think you have it all figured out.

More and more people are trying to jump on the bandwagon to make money online these days, and just as many are getting frustrated with their results. As the competition becomes more fierce, some categories more so than others, it becomes seemingly more important to stand out from the crowd and establish some type of brand awareness of your web site.

Here are 10 useful tips that have helped us establish a successful online store:

1. Make your web site UNIQUE. Do not fall into the trap of copying your competitors. Establish your own online identity and stand out from the crowd. Take your time to plan and design your site either by yourself or with the help of a reliable web developer. Remember, the more time you spend on planning your web site, the less money and time you will have to spend later on making changes and corrections.

2. Load your web site with as much useful content as you possibly can. Content is KING with search engines. Do not overload your site with flash and slow loading graphics. Keep it simple and to the point. Your web site should not look cluttered. Give it a clean look but with a lot of helpful information and resources. The number one thing that people look for online is information.

3. Have your contact information listed on every single page of your site. List your toll-free number on all pages of your web site if you have one. Make every page of your site look consistent. You want your site to be easy to understand and navigate.

4. Never underestimate the power of good service. Make yourself available to your clients. Help answer questions and help your visitors navigate your web site when needed. Answer all email inquiries in a timely and courteous manner.

5. Make it very easy for people to order your products. The easier the order process, the more orders you will get. Make sure your payment pages are secured. If you accept payment online, it is advisable to get the HackerSafe seal on all your web site pages. Almost all major reputable online jewelry stores today will have the HackerSafe (McAfee) seal somewhere on their site.

6. Have a Privacy Policy, an About Us and a Legal Notices page. Having a Site Map is also favored by major search engines.

7. Have a good selection of products available online before marketing your site. Remember, first impressions count.

8. Never underestimate the power of linking. The more sites that link to your web site, the better your page rankings. Remember, the sites that link to yours should be quality sites. Do not link to web sites that have a lower page rank than yours or you are wasting your time. Link building is time consuming, frustrating, sometimes confusing, yet unavoidable. Because ultimately, it is still the trump card for higher rankings today and in the foreseeable future.

9. Submit your site to DMOZ and other directories that allow free submissions. 10. Keep on adding fresh content to your site on a regular basis.

Using these principles, Nirvana Treasures, a fine diamond jewelry company, has launched their online division with great success. Response has been overwhelming with a lot of web site visitor hits daily, not to mention a steady flow of online orders.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

You Can Succeed Making Money Online

You Can Succeed Making Money Online
by: Theresa Stauffer

There are many people who say that you can not make money online, they will tell you that it is all scams. Then there are those who tell you that they tried and failed or knew some one who lost money. The problem more likely was that they went about marketing on the internet wrong.

When you market online the correct way it will have dramatic effects on your outcome. You need to start by creating an effective marketing plan. There are some simple things that you need to include in that plan. You need to know your product and market, know who and where your prospects are and know your competition.

Getting to know the product or service that you are selling is a must, so make sure you use it yourself. When you use the product then you get to know the strengths and weaknesses of it. You will also have the ability to answer questions that your prospects may have about it. Once the strong points are known then you have identified who your target audience is.

You can now set up a marketing campaign promoting the strengths of the product. This will be advertising to your target audience and not to everyone. This is half the battle in internet marketing, too many people advertise to everyone and not there target audience. Look at commercials do car companies run commercials during children's programming, no that is not there target audience and a waste of time and money. You need to do the same on the internet.

Now you know your target market, so you need to know where your prospects are. Find out where they are online and be there also. Do not openly market your products to them as this will only turn them off. Get to know your prospects, what they are looking for and what problems do they have. Since you know your product and the strengths ands weaknesses you can figure out how your product can provide a solution for them. This is something to incorporate into your marketing campaign.

You will also want to study your competition. Get to know the strengths and weaknesses of their product also. Once you know the weakness you can point that out in your marketing also. See who they are advertising to and how they are advertising. Are they doing something that you can incorporate into your advertising? Once you have all the information of the the product, your target and your competition you can put together an effective marketing plan. Put it all together by appealing to your prospects, showing the strengths of your product over your competition and how your product help them solve there problems.

In order to succeed online there is one important thing that you must do and that is not quit. Success will not happen overnight. It will take time and research. If once approach does not work try something different. But the only way to fail is to quit.

About The Author
Theresa Stauffer is a successful internet marketer that is looking to help people from making the same mistakes she did. Also to help people avoid getting scammed by opportunities out there.

Monday, March 3, 2008

How to Photograph Jewelry

How to Photograph Jewelry by: Sasha Petrovich

Photographing jewellery can be tricky, but with a few concepts and budget below US$500 it is possible to achieve near-professional look of the photographs. This guide is intended for absolute beginners. Terminology is simplified, and camera adjustments are discussed with only jewellery in mind.

1. Equipment 1.1 Digital SLR Biggest spend for near-professional look of jewellery photography is for the digital SLR. This is an absolute must. Second-hand camera will be as good. Camera without many features and without high Mega-Pixel rate will work just as fine. 3 Mega Pixel is more than enough. Note that what makes the difference is the quality of the optical system, not the number of actual pixels. Digital SLR will allow you to manually adjust every aspect of the camera. Automatic modes are not appropriate for jewellery. 1.2 Lighting Avoid using any flashes. Don't use camera's built in flash. Don't buy stand-alone flashes. In fact, don't buy any lighting equipment. Desk lamps 60W-100W will do just fine. Photo tent will help a lot, but is not mandatory. You get find them for as little as US$20. Terminology varies, so "Photo Tent" will also be called "Light Cube", or "Soft Light Box". Do your searching and find one approx 20" (50cm) in size. You will need 3 lights. Two matted lights -- soft lights, and one reflector light. Place one matted light left of the area for jewellery, and one to the right. Place reflector light near where the camera is. Whatever you do, avoid mixing light types. Use only non-fluorescent lights, and isolate your photo 'lab' away from natural light. 1.3 Tripod To have freedom with many settings that will be a must, we will have to use longer exposures. For longer exposures to achieve maximum sharpness, we'll need a tripod. Our hand shakes too much, when camera runs at exposition 1/2s or 1/5s. Buy a 'tripod' for US$10-$20. You don't need a heavy duty tripod. If your setup will be on a desk, you can chose mini tripod - approx 10" (25cm), and stand tripod on the desk as well, or longer tripod, approx 50" (125cm) and stand it on the floor.

2. Setup Position the lights as described above. Two desk lamps with soft light (irrelevant if you are using photo tent -- the tent is there to soften the light), and reflector light at the front. I keep the cube open at the front, for easier adjustments and photographs, unless jewellery is highly reflective of the image of me taking photograph. Uniform background colour is recommended. White background works great. Black background is a little harder to work with. I use one of the white wooden shelves that was sitting in the garrage. Hardware stores will sell these for a few dollars. Jewellery neck stands look effective only on some pieces, but for most laying on the white surface is the best.

3. Jewelry Arrangement Spend time arranging jewellery. Clean the jewellery if needed. Polish and remove finger prints. Lay it nicely. For chains, spend time to even out all links and to lay it in a perfect circle. For fashion jewellery this may be a little tricky simply because it's made of various materials and it just doesn't like to sit perfectly on its own. Use blue-tac to fix it where you want it.

4. Taking Photographs Set your camera to manual. This is where you can adjust all settings yourself. You can leave auto-focus on if you wish, that is about the only setting you can have automatic. Disable camera flash. With static lighting and without using flashes, you can spend time moving the lights until you get perfect setup, before taking shots. Learn the following 5 camera adjustments: Aperature (f-number), Sensitivity (ISO number), Shutter Speed (Exposure), White Balance, and Focus. These 5 are your bread and butter. 4.1 Aperature Also known as f-number. This setting widens or narrows the lens, limiting the amount of light that comes into the camera. This directly affects shutter speed, and film sensitivity (since we're using digital camera, film sensitivity is adjustable like anything else). This setting is responsible for the 'focal lenght'. With high f-number eg f/22 or f/11, when taking jewellery photographs, parts that are close to camera will be focused as well as parts that are further away. With low f-number, eg f/2, only the focused part will be in-focus, and parts of jewellery that are further apart or closer to the camera will become fuzzy. Use this setting as it suits you. You may want to create certain effect, but if you don't, keep this setting to f/11. Overdoing this setting will limit the light coming into the camera, and you'll have to make sacrifices elsewhere to compensate. 4.2 Sensitivity Also known as ISO number. This used to be film property, and expressed in numbers like ISO200, ISO400, ISO800 etc. The higher the number, more sensitive the film, less light it needs, and thus more expensive. In Digital SLR's this is merely just a setting, but the higher the number, more noise camera will capture. The more light you have, you can go lower with this number. For our limited lighting, ISO800 or ISO1600 will be fine, but try not to use ISO3200 -- it adds visible noise. 4.3 Shutter Speed Also known as exposure, it is a measure of time camera will be taking the light. When photographing moving objects, you would want this fairly short: 1/200 or or 1/400. However, we're taking static objects, and with the tripod camera is static as well. This gives us flexibility in going as low as 1/30 or 1/10, or even 1/2. Value 1/2 means that camera takes light from the object for half a second. If anything moves during that half a second, photograph will be blurred. Adjust shutter speed freely until you get desirable effect. In fact, when taking photographs of jewellery against white background, you will want photos over-exposed. Over-exposure should affect only the white background, where small imperfections of white surface will vanish into pure white. If your camera has light meter, it will display a warning that you have too much light, number 2 or 2.5 could be flashing in your viewfinder. This is good :-). If your background is black, you'll want it under-exposed. This will keep the black background black, remove some imperfections, but leave the jewellery just fine. 4.4 White Balance With different colours present in every light source, our eyes naturally adjust to what white is. Cameras try to do the same and for general photography are quite good at it. However, for jewellery, you'll want to try all manual pre-sets yourself and chose best result. If everything fails, manually adjust white balance, until it's good. You won't need to keep changing this setting from one jewellery piece to another. 4.5 Focus Jewellery is static. It's easy to use manual focus, but auto-focus seems to work just as fine. If camera keeps focusing on the incorrect part, just switch to manual, and away you go. For most applications, auto-focus will be fine though. 4.6 Taking photographs Take enough photographs for each peace. Use camera built-in display as a guide only. Colors and brightness will look slightly different on the computer screen. You can adjust some of it afterwards, but try to take a perfect shot in the first place.

5. Post-Processing Restrain youself from using too many features of the photo editing software. All you need to do is manually adjust Brightness and Contrast, and perhaps use 'Sharpen' feature. Don't apply any automatic adjustments, as these will get confused with too much white in the photo, or too much black. Crop to the area you want to keep, save in internet-friendly format (eg 400x300) and you've got a near-professional photograph. Reuse the same photograph for 'zoom-in' crops. You won't be making images larger, instead you'll be cropping from your original, adjusting and saving. Digital camera with 6 mega pixels or more will preserve enough of the detail for zoom-in's. If not happy, re-take photos of the detail. Copyright (c) 2006 Sasha Petrovich
About The Author
Sasha Petrovich works for Phaze 3 Gallery as technical consultant, including photographing all the jewellery for printed and online material. View his works at Phaze 3 Gallery website

Tips for Starting Your Own Jewelry Business

Tips for Starting Your Own Jewelry Business by: Aaron Rome

Staring your own business can be an intimidating challenge. However, this task can be made achievable by setting up realistic goals, and following a few easy steps. If you have a passion of fashion and are an outgoing person, you can establish your own silver jewelry business. Being in the jewelry business myself, I can tell you what you will need in order to start one on your own. For the last seven years, I have been a wholesale silver jewelry supplier. I have helped close to a thousand people start small businesses of their own by providing them with excellent quality silver jewelry at honest wholesale prices along with free advice and consultancy.

My first piece of advice to people who are new into the world of business is to set attainable goals and objectives, and make a business plan. As hard as it may seem, in reality there are few barriers to entry to starting your own business with low cost service providers, marketing, communication and availability of wholesale jewelry suppliers. Given below is a list of things you can do in order to start or enhance a successful jewelry business.
i. Make a plan: It is very important to have a good plan. A formal business plan is not necessary unless you want to get a loan or an investor. Instead, the plan you make should be meticulous, especially on the financial side.
ii. Think about whether the jewelry you want to sell is right for your intended market. Diamond jewelry is probably not the right product for a flea market!
iii. You can host a home-based jewelry party yourself or have a friend host it and give her some free stuff as compensation. Ask your friend to invite her friends and relatives for the party. These people come to buy and you have no competition.
iv. Buy off EBay - many people buy things at good prices and then just re-sell them. v. Search the web for other silver jewelry wholesalers.
vi. Put jewelry out at your own or your friend’s garage sales. It really works!
vii. Visit these sites frequently: : Online payments and merchant account : Domain registration and turn-key hosting solutions : Low-cost jewelry supplies and displays (ring boxes, findings, etc.) : Low-cost shipping supplies : Jewelry supplies and displays : Supplier of wholesale silver jewelry : Wholesale Silver Jewelry Supplier List of craft shows throughout the country Great source of low cost products - Wholesale Jewelry : EBay Pro-store - turn key ecommerce solution : Google Adwords Program The above-mentioned points are helpful hints that will assist you in either starting a jewelry business or making your already existing jewelry business successful. I could have used this information when I started out. I enjoy helping people get started in their own businesses. Even though my business has grown substantially since I started out, I still feel truly grateful to every one of my customers who enable me to succeed and allow me to pursue the lifestyle I chose.
About The Author
Aaron Rome is a successful author and regular contributor to

Content is the King - 5 Steps to Make Your Content Worth its Weight in Gold

Content is the King - 5 Steps to Make Your Content Worth its Weight in Gold by: Murtuza Abbas
Content is the king. If you fill up your web site with valuable quality content, you will attract interest of your web site visitors and this will drive repeat traffic to your web site. If you provide valuable information on your site, they will not only visit your site again and again but also recommend your site to their friends and relatives. Here are the 5 steps to excel in copywriting for the web:
Step 1 - Basic Rules for Writing Web site Content. When you are writing for your website you should include your keywords in your content, make note of keyword density, check out word count and should include words that sells on your site. These are the four basic elements that play crucial roles in making you successful in your business.
Step 2 - Content is the King. Give your visitors quality content so that they forget your competitors and visit your site again and again. You must always target on your target markets needs and wants. If you give them what they want through quality content, they will give you what you want, that is sales and profits.
Step 3 - Convert Visitors to Customers. Content creation does not only include providing information to your visitors. This is not how you will make money. Content creation also includes getting your visitors in buying mood through psychological formula's so that they purchase your products and services. In order to make this happen, you must know how to apply your selling and persuasion skills on your copies.
Step 4 - Write for Search Engines. You must also focus on search engines demands while writing your content. You have to include keywords in your content so that search engines can give you top rankings for your keywords. Make sure you provide quality content along with keyword density so that your content is suitable for both, your website visitors as well as search engines. Step 5 - Check Your Content Thoroughly. Your content should be clean from grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. This will simply make your copy non-valuable and will spoil your website credibility. Your visitors might stop visiting your site and also this can start bad mouth publicity. This will surely spoil your website reputation. Therefore make sure that you proof read your web site before posting your content out there.
About The Author
Murtuza Abbas has helped hundreds of newbies 'One-On-One' to start their internet home business. Do you want to learn how I do it? Watch this 'FREE Report' and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work & How You can Do it too with My One-On-One Help & Support... ==>

Internet Home Based Business - How to Win this Dirty Game?

Internet Home Based Business - How to Win this Dirty Game? by: Murtuza Abbas
Are you confused as to how to start an internet home business? Do you want to make sure that you achieve massive internet home business success starting today? Are you confused as to which internet guru you should believe and which internet ebiz opportunity you should tap into? Whatever you decide keep the following facts in your mind before you get started...
1. There are no shortcuts to start an internet business.
2. There is NO hot button that can make you an overnight internet millionaire.
3. There is no push a button get rich quick machine.
4. There are no instant riches. But the fact is that an ordinary person can become an internet millionaire if he follows a proven system to make money on the internet. There are some myths floating all around the internet that can killer your internet home business....

Myth 1 - You can Make Money While You Sleep or Move around on the Beach.
Yes, you can do this easily with your internet home business. But keep this in mind that you will not achieve this kind of lifestyle from day one. This is simply not possible, take my words for it. You have to put in hours of efforts, research and planning into your internet home business for few months or years and put up a system into place. Once you have it working for you, you will be making money while you will sleep or move around with your girlfriend.

Myth 2 - You Don't Have to Deal with People.
This amazes me when I read it on other websites that you will not have to communicate with people. Keep this in mind, you will make money only if someone from the other end of the globe pays you money for your products and services. And he will do this only if you are willing to provide him solution to his problems. If you run away from people it is next to impossible to achieve massive internet home business success.

Myth 3 - You Can Kill Your Dead-Broke Job.
Don't do this instantly. You need to have some source of income coming in before you get started with an internet business. You should never quit your job till you are confident that you are making atleast 3 times more money than the salary that you are making right now. The reason being, you will not only have to meet your daily expenses with your income but you will also have to invest in your internet home based business for your education and training and for developing new systems. So you will need money. Therefore my advise is to get started working with your internet home base business part time and then once you are confident enough with your internet home business, quit your job.
About The Author
Murtuza Abbas has helped hundreds of newbies 'One-On-One' to start their internet home business. Do you want to learn how I do it? Watch this 'FREE Report' and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work & How You can Do it too with My One-On-One Help & Support... ==>

Internet Home Based Business - For People Who Want To Make Serious Money Starting Today

Internet Home Based Business - For People Who Want To Make Serious Money Starting Today by: Murtuza Abbas
Starting an internet home based business is quite exciting as you can work from the comfort of your home and stay with your family all the time. Plus you have no boss sitting over your head. You are your own boss. You can work whenever and wherever you want, there are no restrictions. Plus your income potential is unlimited. If you want to work from home and achieve massive success here are steps to take into consideration... Step 1 - Do What You Love. Step 2 - Tap Into a Profitable Niche. Step 3 - Build Relationships. Step 4 - Avoid Destractions and Be Focussed. Lets get down to dirty details to achieve success from your internet home based business...

Step 1 - Do What You Love. It is very important that you focus your efforts in starting an internet business in a niche that you love. If you are passionate about your niche, you will love spending tons of hours developing your internet business. Work will convert into fun. Therefore make sure you do what you love and get started with your internet home business.

Step 2 - Tap Into a Profitable Niche. It is important that you tap into a profitable niche. Make sure you select a niche that attracts your interest. But on other hand also make sure that the niche is profitable and there are people who are spending money in your niche on products and services that you have to offer. Your main goal is to love what you are doing and also make killer income out of your internet home based business.

Step 3 - Build Relationships. The most important step in starting any business is to build relationship. If you work hard in building a solid relationship with your customers they will be loyal towards you for a long time and purchase every product you promote.

Step 4 - Avoid Destractions and Be Focussed. Make sure you setup a boundary between your work and your family. People who work from home tend to waste their time to alot extent playing around with their kids and spouse. If you do this you are sure to get into problems. So make sure you seperate yourself and manage your time while you are working and also spend time with your loved ones.
About The Author
Murtuza Abbas has helped hundreds of newbies 'One-On-One' to start their internet home business. Do you want to learn how I do it? Watch this 'FREE Report' and Discover How I Created a Killer Cash-Pulling-Machine that Attracts 23,883 Visitors and Earns $6665.49 on Autopilot from just 20 Days of Lazy Work & How You can Do it too with My One-On-One Help & Support... ==>

How Do I Get My Business On The Internet?

How Do I Get My Business On The Internet? by: Ivana Katz

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by small business owners. They are feeling the pressure from their customers and competitors, yet for many business people it is a daunting task, as they don't understand the whole process. In fact, many people are even asking the question whether they should have a web site.

Whether you are a consultant, florist, designer, builder, architect or a doctor, consider the many advantages a website provides:

1. Make money - Set up an on-line store or get paid for advertising from other companies

2. Save money on advertising - Instead of paying for large ads, simply advertise your web site

3. Be flexible in your message - Change the content as your business changes. No need to re-print expensive brochures.

4. Exposure to new customers - You will reach more local clients as well as interstate and global markets

5. Having more professional image - Keep up with the times and your competitors

6. Save time - Don’t spend hours on the phone, direct customers to your website

7. Keep your business open 24/7 - Provide customers information when THEY need it. If you don’t, someone else will.

So what does it really take to get your website set up?

Step 1 - Register your domain name. What is a domain name? The purpose of a domain name is similar to that of a street address or telephone number. The domain name directs customers to you on the Internet. The domain by itself is not your email or web address. The domain does form the base from which these addresses are derived. For example: Company Name: QikPhone Domain Name: Web Address: Email Address: Do I need to register a domain name to have a website? NO, you don't need to have your own domain name. Your website can be created and hosted without it. Your website address will look something like this: OR The only advantage of not registering a domain name is that you will save yourself a few dollars. The disadvantages of NOT having your domain name include:
1. If you decide to change your Webhosting company or if that company goes out of business, you will lose your website address. Your web site can be transferred to a new company, but your address will change. And that means re-printing stationery and re-doing all your advertising, notifying all your customers etc.
2. Website addresses that contain information other than your company name are long and hard to remember and do not appear as professional. Compare these two and see which one you are more likely to remember: OR So it is a good idea to register a domain name, even if it is just to protect yourself for the future. Say for example, your business name is JB Cleaning and you decide not to register your domain name for now. Along comes Joe Bloggs who opens his own cleaning business and registers domain name. After a year you decide you want to have your own domain name, but since Joe Bloggs already owns it, you won't be able to register it. Not to mention your customers who know your business as JB Cleaning may visit his website, thinking it's your web address and instead hire Joe Bloggs Cleaning.

Step 2 - Plan your website. Planning your website is a two part process:
(a) Decide on the website design (colour schemes, buttons, special effects etc). This is your website designer's job. However, you may have a preference for a certain colour or look. To help you choose a design, you may wish to check out other people's websites or work with your web designer's pre-set templates.
(b) The content. There are many items you may wish to include on your website. The most common ones include:
1 Product/Service Details
2. Contact Information
3. Pricing
4. Testimonials
5. Frequently Asked Questions
6. Response Form, such as "Join Mailing List"
7. On-line Magazine or Newsletter
8. Resources & Articles
9. Guarantee
10. Survey
11. Events Calender
12. Search My Website Form
13. Refund Policy
14. Privacy Policy
15. About Us Information
16. Site Map
17. Copyright information
18. Useful Links
19. Media Information
20. On-line store
21. News
22. Directions to Your Bricks & Mortar Premises

Step 3 - Choose a Web Hosting Company. What is a Web hosting Company? A webhost is a company that provides server space for your website. You can think of a web host as a commercial building. The web host provides space for your website just as a commercial building provides space for your shop or office. You can build your own building and you can host your own website, but because of the cost and expertise required it is easier to rent the space. Which Company Should I Choose? Webhosting companies are not created equal so you need to take a number of things into account when selecting one. A proven track record, experience and reliability form the foundation of any successful business partnership. Some of the issues you should consider when choosing a webhosting company include:
1. Support - Does it provide comprehensive Technical Support - 24 hours a day, seven days a week?
2. Reliability - Does it have multiple large-scale links to the internet to provide a fail-safe path to your customers from anywhere in the world?
3. Security - Does it have a robust security system that minimises risk of web site intrusion?
4. State-of-the-art - Does the company utilises leading edge technology and is supported by a large-scale uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system.
5. Scalability - Does the product range and services offered allow your business to grow without impediment by making it easy to upgrade and add components to existing product levels.

Step 4 - Getting people to your site. The marketing of your website is important if you want to draw visitors to your site. If you don't promote your website no-one will ever see it. There are a number of different ways of advertising your website. The best strategy is one, which integrates your existing promotion methods with your website.
1. Office Stationery - Including your web address and email address on your stationery is probably the easiest way to draw attention to your site. It's cost effective and gets your Internet presence out there in the market place.
2. Business Cards - When printing business cards you should include the individual's email address and main address of your website.
3. Radio Advertising - Radio Advertising should include your web address. Don't include the http, try "Visit us on the internet at w-w-w-dot-qikphone-dot-com-dot-au". If your budget is limited, you may wish to consider community radios.
4. Email and Mail-Outs - Let your current customers know the details of your website. You can either send them an email or a letter/postcard. Keep your website's content up-to-date and they will keep coming back!
5. Print Media - Print advertising should include a generic email address for the company and include your website address. Normally positioned at the bottom right or bottom centre of your advertisement.
6. Search Engines & Directories - People looking for your website who don't know the URL are most likely to use an on-line search engine to look for your organisation or the kind of products and services you offer. There are over 300 major search engines and directories, but you should concentrate on the larger, more commonly used ones. These include: Google, Yahoo, Altavista, Anzwers, Inktomi, Infoseek, Lycos, Excite, HotBot, MSN, Dogpile, AllTheWeb etc.
7. Links from other websites - A good way to attract visitors to your site is through the use of hyperlinks placed on other sites. If you know of another site which has a list of links and you think your website would be a good addition, let the website owner know. You might also offer to provide a link from your site back to the other site. This will encourage the webmaster to include your site. You should also seek out partners for trading links including vendors, suppliers and providers of complimentary products.
8. Link Exchange - Another way to getting a link is through a system called Link Exchange, a free public service designed to help websites advertise each other. With Link Exchange, you agree to display advertising banners for other Link Exchange members and they agree to display banners for you. The System is automatic, you simply add a piece of HTML code to your web page and Link Exchange will display an advertisement for another website. The disadvantage with Link Exchange is that you don't get any control as to where your banner ad appears or the type of banner ads that will appear on your website. It is not possible to guarantee that a competitor of yours may have their banner ad displayed on your site.
9. Paid Banner Advertising/Affiliate Marketing Programs - Various sites give you the opportunity to purchase banner advertising on their site. Some sites will charge you a flat monthly fee while other sites will charge you based on the number of people who see your ad. For more information about marketing your website read "30 ways to promote your website on a shoestring budget"

Step 5 - Monitor your site's statistics Your website's statistics should show who visits your website, where in the world they come from, how they are finding your site and what pages are being viewed. Knowing your customers is the first step in effective marketing. Most webhosting companies will provide access to this information free of charge. Step 6 - Maintaining your website It is important to update your website regularly to keep your customers interested. One of the great advantages of having a website is that you can change its content virtually overnight at minimal cost (unlike re-printing brochures and flyers). This is just a brief overview of the process involved in getting your website up and running. In future articles we will cover each step in more detail. For more information about getting your business on the internet you may also wish to check out: Frequently Asked Questions About Websites 10 Tips for Planning an Outstanding Website 8 Tips for Designing a Great Website
About The Author
Ivana Katz is the owner of Websites 4 Small Business.