Friday, September 26, 2008

10 Tips To Start Your Online Business

People often ask us what is the secret formula to establishing a successful online presence. The truth is, there is no easy answer and definitely no "single secret formula" but rather a combination of factors that determine an online store's continued success.

Times are evolving and major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista and many others will keep on changing their search algorithms just when you think you have it all figured out.

More and more people are trying to jump on the bandwagon to make money online these days, and just as many are getting frustrated with their results. As the competition becomes more fierce, some categories more so than others, it becomes seemingly more important to stand out from the crowd and establish some type of brand awareness of your web site.

Here are 10 useful tips that have helped us establish a successful online store:

1. Make your web site UNIQUE. Do not fall into the trap of copying your competitors. Establish your own online identity and stand out from the crowd. Take your time to plan and design your site either by yourself or with the help of a reliable web developer. Remember, the more time you spend on planning your web site, the less money and time you will have to spend later on making changes and corrections.

2. Load your web site with as much useful content as you possibly can. Content is KING with search engines. Do not overload your site with flash and slow loading graphics. Keep it simple and to the point. Your web site should not look cluttered. Give it a clean look but with a lot of helpful information and resources. The number one thing that people look for online is information.

3. Have your contact information listed on every single page of your site. List your toll-free number on all pages of your web site if you have one. Make every page of your site look consistent. You want your site to be easy to understand and navigate.

4. Never underestimate the power of good service. Make yourself available to your clients. Help answer questions and help your visitors navigate your web site when needed. Answer all email inquiries in a timely and courteous manner.

5. Make it very easy for people to order your products. The easier the order process, the more orders you will get. Make sure your payment pages are secured. If you accept payment online, it is advisable to get the HackerSafe seal on all your web site pages. Almost all major reputable online jewelry stores today will have the HackerSafe (McAfee) seal somewhere on their site.

6. Have a Privacy Policy, an About Us and a Legal Notices page. Having a Site Map is also favored by major search engines.

7. Have a good selection of products available online before marketing your site. Remember, first impressions count.

8. Never underestimate the power of linking. The more sites that link to your web site, the better your page rankings. Remember, the sites that link to yours should be quality sites. Do not link to web sites that have a lower page rank than yours or you are wasting your time. Link building is time consuming, frustrating, sometimes confusing, yet unavoidable. Because ultimately, it is still the trump card for higher rankings today and in the foreseeable future.

9. Submit your site to DMOZ and other directories that allow free submissions. 10. Keep on adding fresh content to your site on a regular basis.

Using these principles, Nirvana Treasures, a fine diamond jewelry company, has launched their online division with great success. Response has been overwhelming with a lot of web site visitor hits daily, not to mention a steady flow of online orders.